Renewable energy

The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan (1) plots how the UK will meet the 34% cut in greenhouse emissions on 1990 levels by 2020, set out in the budget. Renewable (clean) energy is a priority in this plan.
We are all aware of the urgent need to reduce our reliance on non-renewable, fossil fuels, increase the use of renewable (sustainable) energy and thereby reduce our carbon foot print.

The Government has set a target of generating 15% of our energy from renewable sources by 2020 (1).
This site with its clean, green renewable, power generation capacity is an opportunity waiting to be realised. The island site offers the last opportunity to harness the Great Stour for power generation purposes.
Canterbury’s mill sites were created in the past as sources of potential energy; recently they have been used merely as the backdrop for residential development.

The water wheel will generate, on average, an estimated 15kW (Kilowatts) – peak over 20kW. This is approximately enough to power 4 average family homes. The entire project will generate a net surplus of electricity. This will be donated to local community groups or sold to a national supplier, such as Good Energy, who only deals in renewables.

We aim to involve and attract people who would not otherwise be involved in (or spend too much time thinking about) sustainable living and renewable energy, as well as people who are already keen enthusiasts and want to learn more.

The main focus will be the education centre, which will contain information about sustainable living and locally-generated, non-centralised, renewable energy. This will include a permanent interactive display about the Great Stour in Canterbury’s development as a major strategic centre; temporary and continuously updated displays demonstrating sustainable living (in all its aspects) and show-casing renewable energy and sustainable technologies past, present and future. We organise tours, courses and workshops for the general public/tourists, schools, environmentalists and local groups. Indeed, we have already launched our education programme and will be continually updating and developing it according to capacity and demand. Please see our Get Involved pages for details.


(1) Department of Energy and Climate Change. (2009) UK Renewable Energy Strategy, London: The Stationery Office.