
Permaculture is, in essence, ecological design for integrating humans into natural systems and for working with nature rather than against it. It is an important tool for future sustainability. The design is essentially applying principles found in natural systems combined with the underlying ethics of earth-care, people-care and fair-shares. To explain a little further:

Earth-care: designs should benefit non-human nature
People-care: designs should work to ensure that all people have access to the things they need for their existence
Fair-shares: designs should use resources frugally and equitably, sharing the abundance that nature provides

Permaculture derives its name from permaculture agriculture and refers to the idea of establishing gardens that, as far as possible, mimic natural systems. It is based on ideals of sustainable land use design.
The Abbot’s Mill Project aims to create and establish a garden based on the principles of harmony, recycling and reuse.
To find out more about permaculture, please see The Permaculture Association‘s website

Or contact Jo Barker at Dynamic Equilibrium.